In general, we do not offer refunds or returns for the following reasons:
- For items sold directly by Books & Stuff:
- We provide detailed descriptions of our products so you know exactly what you are receiving.
- Most of the items we sell are books and we can not be held accountable for the content of books. If you did not like the story because you did not like the end, there, unfortunately, is nothing we can do about that.
- We make it clear in the case of mystery packages that it will be a mystery. You will be just as surprised about the content as we were.
- We check books for obvious signs of missing pages or unreadable text. We will accept returns and give store credit but will never refund. We also will keep an eye on repeats from specific people – we may refuse returns if you become a habitual returner.
- For items sold by our vendors:
- Check with them about their return and refund policies before you order.
- For items sold directly by Books & Stuff:
- We will not refund in cash but will give store credit for future use.
- For items sold by our vendors:
- Check with them about their return and refund policies before you order.
Sale items
- For items sold directly by Books & Stuff:
- We will not refund in cash but will give store credit for future use.
- For items sold by our vendors:
- Check with them about their return and refund policies before you order.
- For items sold directly by Books & Stuff:
- Most of our items are unique, once-off items and cannot be exchanged. We will consider store credit in certain cases.
- For items sold by our vendors:
- Check with them about their return and refund policies before you order.
- For items sold directly by Books & Stuff:
- The only items we sell as gifts are gift vouchers and those can not be returned or refunded.
- For items sold by our vendors:
- Check with them about their return and refund policies before you order.
Shipping returns
- For items sold directly by Books & Stuff:
- Costs will be for your account and store credit will be given once approved.
- For items sold by our vendors:
- Check with them about their return and refund policies before you order.
Need help?
Contact us at info at booksandstuff.co.za for questions related to refunds and returns.